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Weather Info
Your Weather (Options)
Canadian Weather
International Weather
Enter your " Place, State", US Zip Code or ICAO:  
Review the settings below to customize Your Weather:
Your Weather Default Settings: 
Default Forecast:
This is the type of forecast information that will automatically be displayed when you click the
Your Weather link.
Default Location:
This is the location that the default forecast information selected above should be displayed for.  Enter in a US Zipcode, "City, State" combination or ICAO.
Your Weather Specialty Settings: 
Default Zone Forecast View:
This determines whether the zone forecast view displays as 3 day or 7 day (When available) forecast.
Default Hourly Track View:
This determines whether the Hourly Track uses either the GFS, ETAMOS or NGMMOS prediction model by Default. The GFS models tends to have more coverage area than the NGMMOS models.
Default Radar Type:
This is the default radar type to display when you click the Radar tab for a US location.
Default Radar View:
This determines whether the default Radar view is the latest image or the JavaScript radar animation of the past hour.

US Forecasts are Public Domain and derived from the
National Weather Service - (IWIN) and the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
Canadian forecasts are obtained from and are copyright of Environment Canada.